Bi- and Multilingual Education

Language teaching is a core component of LFVH educational offer, bilingual courses are provided both in primary and secondary education. French, German, English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and Latin are taught.

Courses are designed to fulfill our students’ needs and put their linguistic skills to good use.

School trips abroad, outings to the theatre and a variety of other cultural places are organized to emphasize language learning. Exchange programs with local schools and schools from the AEFE (Agency for French Education Abroad) are also offered.

Certificates Offered in the LFVH


German Language: A Key Part of LFVH Education

In accordance with the AEFE, LFVH focuses on providing students with a sense of openness to the culture and language of the host country. German classes start from kindergarten and play a significant role in children’s education, up to their senior year of high school. German classes, concurrently with French classes, reinforce biculturalism and bilingualism.

Is LFVH Approved by German Authorities?

Bilingual courses in elementary school and international courses in middle school are state-approved Ersatzschule. Consequently, pupils who choose the international option can pass the International Option Brevet (middle school diploma) which enables them to switch from the German school system to the French one and vice versa.

German in Elementary School

One third of classes are provided in German for students who choose the French option and 50% of classes are in German for those who take the German option.

German in Middle School

In middle school, pupils can join the German International Section. History, Geography, PE and Music will then be taught in German.

German in High School

In high school, pupils can attend Abibac courses in order to get the French-German high school diploma: baccalauréat and Abitur. Pupils can also learn German literature, language and civilization at an advanced level if they take the LCA option. In LCA classes, teachers prepare students for the Deutsches Sprachdiplom (DSD I and III) which is an internationally recognized certificate that opens doors to German universities.

What If My Child Is Not a German Speaker?

German for beginners classes are offered to pupils who are non-German speakers. They can benefit from lessons in very small groups up until freshman year of high school.


English is crucial in the international environment that Frankfurt provides. Hence, English language is also a significant part of LFVH education. The Lycée puts the emphasis on learning English and discovering cultures from the English-speaking world.

Below are the three steps required by the curriculum.

Primary School
Middle School
High School
First Steps
In primary school, children start learning English in CE2. They have 1h30 weekly classes, including 45 minutes in groups of less than 10 children.
In-Depth Study
All pupils attend mandatory English classes in middle school. From 4ème, pupils can choose the ELCE option (History and Geography in English) in preparation for the European Section in high school.
Improve and Harness Skills
From 2nde, pupils can take the European Section option which consists in learning Literature, Sciences or History and Geography in English. The aim is also to strengthen students' oratory skills.

What English Level  Can LFVH High Schoolers Reach?

In high school, pupils are trained up to C1/C2 level so as to get one of the certificates offered by Cambridge University, namely the FCE, CAE or CPE.


How About Non-French Speaking Students?

French Language classes (FLESCO) are provided for non-French speakers. Pupils who are not of French nationality can be prepared for DELF certificates, up to A2 level in CM1/CM2 and B1 level in 3e.

DELF are the only French certificates delivered by the French Ministry of Education and are recognized on an international scale.

Learn more about DELF

Spanish and Mandarin Chinese

Staring from 5e, pupils attend additional language classes. They can choose between Spanish or Mandarin Chinese.

Ancient Languages and Cultures

LFVH offers Latin classes starting from 5e and Greek classes from 4e. Both can be pursued in high school.