Our Team

LFVH is a mission-driven team of 148 school professionals for about 1000 students.

There are 90 teachers, nearly 30 school monitors, and SEN teaching assistants who supersize and help students in and out of the classroom. There are a dozen employees in the cleaning and maintenance team and another dozen in the administrative staff. The whole team works collectively to provide students with the best learning environment.

LFVH personnels

Administrative Staff

Sylvain Pardo

Secondary School Principal

Stéphanie Bertrand

Head of Administration and Finance

Nathalie Daniel-Risacher

Secondary School Assistant Principal

Marie-Thérèse Furic

Primary School Principal

Gilles Kleiser

Deputy Chief Financial Officer and IT Manager

Sigrid Rispal

School Secretary

Christophe Lopes

CPE (Secondary School Dean of Students)

Anne Von Kap-Herr

Communications Manager

LFVH Personnel

Primary School Educational Team

Our primary school teaching team comprises 43 teachers, including a special educational needs teacher, Mr. Charmillion, along with eight teaching assistants.

Secondary School Educational Team

The secondary school team consists of 46 teachers, including Mrs. Nicolas, the librarian, Mrs. Haessler and Mr. Morvany, who are the first point of contact for course guidance; the secondary school dean’s assistant, Mrs. Ramos; Mrs. Aggoune, who offers homework tutoring; and a team of five school supervisors.

Administrative Staff

There are two administration offices, including both primary and secondary school secretaries.

Medical Staff

Two committed school nurses whose mission is to ensure prevention.

Technical Department

  • Two receptionists.
  • Fourteen supervisors take care of students in the playground and during lunch breaks.
  • One IT officer.
  • Twelve employees in the cleaning and maintenance team.