About the High School

The lycée consists of three levels: Seconde, Première, and Terminale. Seconde is a gateway to the Baccalauréat program, by the end of which students pick their specialized subjects (electives) according to their ambitions. The baccalauréat (national exam) rests on the specialized subjects chosen by high school students.

Our lycée offers three baccalauréat programs that all follow the French national curriculum, with an emphasis on languages.

  • A broad foundation of common humanistic and scientific culture, open to the challenges of the future.
  • Specialized teachings selected by students constitute a substantial number of hours and offer ambitious programs.
  • Optional subjects for students who are willing to complement their academic lives.

Do You Want to Go Abroad for a School Exchange?

The LFVH participates in the ADN-AEFE Study Abroad Program. It enables Seconde students from French schools abroad to take part in an exchange program; students study in another French lycée for about eight weeks. It gives students the opportunity to enrich their educational journey, explore another country and culture, discover a new academic and linguistic environment.

How to Choose Your Course and Career Path?

Educational counseling at the Lycée Français Victor Hugo encourages students to choose their own path. They are supported throughout secondary school to develop their individual academic and professional orientation project.

Welcoming Students With Special Needs

The Lycée Français Victor Hugo meets the needs of children whose education requires special attention, both in primary and secondary education.

Learn more

Administrative Staff

Nathalie Daniel-Risacher

Secondary School Assistant Principal

069 74 74 98 – 113

Christophe Lopes

CPE (Secondary School Dean of Students)

069 74 74 98 – 118

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, from 7:55 a.m. to 5:45 p.m.

School Rules and Regulations